It may be challenging to get rid of foot odor entirely. However, there are a number of ways to reduce foot odor, including:
• Wash your feet thoroughly at least once a day. Consider washing them again each time they become dirty or sweaty. Use soap and a scrub brush to clean all surfaces of your feet, including between the toes and under toenails.
• Reduce hardened, dead skin, which can contribute to foot odor. Soak your feet in warm water for several minutes. Then, use a pumice stone or a foot file to buff away dead skin. Avoid removing too much dead skin in one sitting as this can cause irritation.
• Keep toenails trimmed and clean to reduce bacteria buildup, which can be a source of foot odor.
• Soak your feet in a mixture of water and Epsom salt or vinegar. Leave your feet to soak for about 15-20 minutes. You can do this once a week.
• Apply rubbing alcohol directly to your feet with a cotton ball. Rubbing alcohol kills the bacteria responsible for foot odor.
• Use a foot powder formulated to eliminate smelly feet. Dr. Scholl’s® Odor-X® Ultra Odor-Fighting Foot Powder instantly wipes out odors while keeping the feet dry and comfortable.
• Wash your shoes if the manufacturer indicates that it’s safe to do so. Many shoes can be hand washed or even laundered in a washing machine. If your shoes aren’t washable, you may be able to spot clean using sanitizing wipes or a disinfectant spray. Be sure to remove any insoles prior to washing and clean the insoles separately.
• If your foot odor is due to a fungal infection, such as athlete’s foot, treating the infection can help eliminate smelly feet. Dr. Scholl’s® Odor-X Athlete’s Foot Medicated Spray Powder can prevent and cure most cases of athlete’s foot. The formula also helps reduce foot odor.