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Dr. Scholl’s® Money Back Guarantee

If you purchased your Dr Scholl’s products from one of our authorized retailers like Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Publix or Amazon.com please return the items to that retailer, in accordance with their return policy. If you are unable to do so, please refer to our Money Back Guarantee policy by filling out a form below.


  • To access the Money Back Guarantee Form, click the link for the refund form below, download the form to fill out, and follow the instructions on the form.
  • For questions call Customer Service: 866-360-3226 or email: drscholls.care@drscholls.com
  • Your Money Back Guarantee may be processed faster if you email the email address above with the completed MBG form along with a picture of the receipt and UPC.
  • The lot number is required for our: Wart remover products and Corn, Callus, Bunion, Blister, Fungal Nail Revitalizer, and Skincare Products. The lot number can be found on the bottom of the carton, bottle or can.